Story of Yanxi Palace (Chinese: 延禧攻略) is a Chinese period drama series created by Yu Zheng. It is an original screenplay written by Zhou Mo, and later developed into a novel by Xiao Lian Mao. Starring Wu Jinyan, Charmaine Sheh, Qin Lan, Nie Yuan, Tan Zhuo and Xu Kai, the series premiered on iQiyi from July 19, 2018 to August 26, 2018, during its run it was streamed more than 15 billion times.

Distributed in more than 70 markets worldwide, Story of Yanxi Palace has since become a huge hit, especially in Asia. It has been named the world's most Googled TV show in 2018.

A spinoff and sequel to the series, Yanxi Palace: Princess Adventure, aired on Netflix December 31, 2019.

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Story of Yanxi Place April 28, 2020 Replay


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